Dom von Jan Photography

Headshots and Events

Headshot and Event Photography Services in the NYC Metro Area and Beyond

Capturing amazing scenes is all about integrating into the action and anticipating situations. With a unique ability to connect with people and a rich background in business, theater and events (Dom is also a marketing professional and part-time dancer), Dom von Jan possesses a unique skill set to capture personality and atmosphere in his headshot and event photography.

Several years of expertise in photographing performances, presentations, parties, panel discussions, indoor and outdoor portraits - and a knack for street and nature photography - let Dom cultivate a diverse portfolio. His work has been featured in newspapers, playbills, billboards, websites and across various social and business networks, reflecting his commitment to delivering exceptional and widely recognized photography.

“Fast and fantastic.”

  • “Thanks for the headshots! It was a breeze and I'm thrilled with the results. Amazing work!"

    Alberto Escarlate, CTO

  • “Gorgeous, thank you! And getting the photos so fast made my day.”

    Amanda Dundas, Bar Mitzvah organizer

  • “I love this shot for my LinkedIn profile. Professional, but with personality.”

    Barbara Roos, Managing Director

  • "These shots truly bring out the magic of our show. Sooo good!"

    Amy Harte, President of the Westchester Ballet Company

To inquire about session pricing and availability,
send a note

You can find Dom also here: Instagram and here: Vero - and here: for his street and nature photography portfolio and the print store.